Advertising Opportunities

How to get listed on the AIS website

The American Iris Society is a nonprofit institution incorporated February 2, 1927, in the County of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. By the terms of the Charter, the Corporation has no stockholders and exists for the sole purpose of promoting the culture and improvement of the Iris.

Commercial Directory/Listing Requirements 


  • Your website is considered to be commercial if you are advertising/selling items or services on it. To have your commercial iris related link added to the AIS website, please read over and follow the simple instructions noted below.
  • Commercial links are received, reviewed, accepted and inserted into the AIS website with the following method and requirements: 1. A request for a listing. Placing an AIS Bulletin ad does not automatically provide a Commercial Directory/Listing on the AIS website. 
    2. An active internet website is required in order to have a useful and valid link in the Commercial Directory/Listing. 
    3. Your business is required to be considered a “current AIS Bulletin advertiser/supporter”. The following criteria define this term: a commercial concern that has published at least one or more paid advertisements in the AIS Bulletin in the preceding calendar year (2024) or the current calendar year (2025).
    4. Please e-mail your request to the AIS website administrator at: . Provide your full business name, your website internet URL address and a brief one sentence description of the iris related service offered. Additionally you must provide the AIS Bulletin date/issue number and page number on which your qualifying previous AIS Bulletin advertisement occurred.
  • Please note that the Commercial Directory/Listing is reviewed from time to time; listings with inactive/dead-end links are deleted; listings that are no longer a “current AIS Bulletin advertiser/supporter” are also deleted. Should your situation require it, you may re-submit your new and/or current information for a new listing.
  • The listing for a commercial iris related link will appear on the following AIS website page: Commercial Directory Listing

Non-Commercial Iris Related Links Requirements